MA Podiatrist Featured on World Down Syndrome Day

MA Podiatrist Featured on World Down Syndrome Day
Louis J. DeCaro, DPM appeared on NBC March 21st to help to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. Dr. DeCaro was featured to help create awareness and express the importance of early foot screenings in those with Down syndrome. According to  DeCaro “Individuals with Down syndrome typically have problems with collagen, which is the major protein that makes up ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bone and the support structure of the skin. This creates significant laxity from the feet up, thus beginning at a young age the life long destruction of the kinetic chain.”
Dr. Louis DeCaro
“The resulting effect in 88% of the Down syndrome population is hypotonia, ligamentous laxity and/or hyper-mobility of the joints. The combination of this ligamentous laxity and low muscle tone contribute to orthopedic problems in people with Down syndrome,” says DeCaro.
Source: Danny New, WWLP [3/21/19]